2015年12月3日 星期四


          蔡浩然先生在FB留言:「真心好奇,如果把道德經改成英文版,那開宗明義的第一句話該如何寫呢? 」沒想到還真引起個人的好奇,於是稍加整理分析。將道德經一書音譯為「Tao Te Ching」,這是在西方較常見的英譯本,是屬於直接音譯,但也有譯為「Laws Divine and Human」。
the name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name
the name that can be named is not the constant name
The name that can be given is not the usual name.
Names which can be spoken are not eternal names.
the name that can be given is not the absolute name.
The name that can be namedis not the eternal Name.
To name what can be named is not constant naming.
the name that can be coded and given is no absolute name.
.Nameless, it is the source of creation.Named, it is the mother of all things.
The name that can be named is not the enduring andunchanging name.
The name that can be spokenis not the eternal Name.
其中以香港大學劉殿爵敎授的英譯:「the name that can be named is not the constant name.」較簡潔達雅。至於林語堂的英譯:「The Names that can be given Are not Absolute Names」被運用的比較久遠廣泛。
一、直接采音譯「The Tao」、「The Dao」,前者是舊音譯,後者是新音譯,國外的漢學家采此種音譯法的較多,國內也有例子,諸如:
The Tao that can be told of Is not the Absolute Tao(林語堂)
The Tao that is utterable is not the eternal Tao.(中國、北大出版社)
The Dao that can be told is not the constant Dao.(中國、外文社)
二、將「道」英譯為「the way」、「The Mystical Way」意為道路、途徑:
按說文解字將道釋為「所行道也」,因而將其譯為「the way」似乎有些道理,舉例如下:
the way that can be spoken of is not the constant way(香港大學劉殿爵)
The Tao/way that can be told is not the usual Tao/way.
The way that can be told of is hardly an eternal, absolute, unvarying one; Translated by T. Byrn
The Way can be expressed, but the Way that can be expressed is not the eternal Way.(中國、世界圖書公司)
三、將「道」英譯為「To Guide」,意為指引:
道字的引申義本就有指導、引導的涵意,「知周乎萬物而道濟天下。」《易·繫辭上》,所英譯為「To Guide」離題並不遠。
如:To guide what can be guided is not constant guiding.Translated by C. Hansen
四、將「道」英譯為「To BEING」,意為存在:
老子說:「有、無相生。」又說:「有生於無。」有即然是一種存在的事實,無能生有當然不是虛空、烏有,也是一種無形體的存在。吳怡在「老子解義」就特別提到泰德(Ted Gabbay)「該書第一句便把《老子》的道譯作『存在』。」
五、將「道」英譯為「The divine law」,意為天道:
老子所謂的「天道」與儒家所言的義理之天,站在人道主義立言應有所不同,因為老子直言:「天地不仁」,仍賦予「道」形上學的意義,主張天地萬物之生,循著自然法則(The law.of Nature.)總原理而生生不息,此總原理名之為道。其英譯如:
The divine law can be spoken of, but it is not the common law.(中國、高教出版社)
Truth can be known, but it may not be the well-known truth.
               總結言之,「道法自然」,王弼注曰:「順自然也。」因為自然之性,是無為而無不為,而道常無為而無不為,只要循著自然律,就能生生不息,故「道」應英譯為「The divine law」或「The law.of Nature.」為佳。

